Environmental Compliance Approval

Under Section 9 of the Ontario Environmental Protection:

No person shall, except under and in accordance with an environmental compliance approval (ECA) use, operate, construct, alter, extend or replace any plant, structure, equipment, apparatus, mechanism or thing that may discharge a contaminant (chemical agents and physical agents (noise and vibration) into any part of the natural environment, or alter a process or rate of production with the result that a contaminant may be discharged into any part of the natural environment.

For compliant operations, an ECA is required to operate, install or modify such a facility or equipment discharging air contaminant to the outside environment.

LAW Environmental Consultants has successfully prepared over a hundred Applications for Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA) for Air and Noise for industrial, commercial, institutional and oil and gas sectors in full compliance with the requirements of O. Reg. 419/05 and NPC-300.

Some examples of equipment that may require an Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA) include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Comfort heating sources with a nameplate capacity of 20 million kj/h.  These sources are exempted for a name plate capacity of less than the above ( Potential for EASR)
  • Pollution Control System (dust collectors, incinerators, scrubbers; etc.);
  • Oxyfuel Cutting, Soldering, and Welding Operations
  • Standby Generators operating less than 60 hrs per year are exempted (Potential for EASR)
  • Cooling Towers;
  • Paint Booths (Potential for EASR)

Please visit the following link for further information on air emissions:


We are here to discuss your compliance needs and assist you with obtaining your ECA and conduct on going liaison work with the Ministry to ensure that your operations are in compliance with the requirements of O.Reg 419/05